P-type ATPases constitute a large ancient super-family of primary active pumps that have diverse substrate specificities ranging from H+ to phospholipids. The significance of these enzymes in biology cannot be overstated. They are structurally related, and their catalytic cycles alternate between high- and low-affinity conformations that are induced by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of a conserved aspartate residue. In the year 1988, all P-type sequences available by then were analyzed and five major families, P1 to P5, were identified. Since then, a large body of knowledge has accumulated concerning the structure, function, and physiological roles of members of these families, but only one additional family, P6 ATPases, has been identified. However, much is still left to be learned. For each family a few remaining enigmas are presented, with the intention that they will stimulate interest in continued research in the field. The review is by no way comprehensive and merely presents personal views with a focus on evolution.
Keywords: P-type ATPases; evolution; mechanism; primary active transport.
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