Neuroimaging and intracranial electrophysiological studies have consistently shown the largest and most consistent face-selective neural activity in the middle portion of the human right lateral fusiform gyrus ('fusiform face area(s)', FFA). Yet, direct evidence for the critical role of this region in face identity recognition (FIR) is still lacking. Here we report the first evidence of transient behavioral impairment of FIR during focal electrical stimulation of the right FFA. Upon stimulation of an electrode contact within this region, subject CJ, who shows typical FIR ability outside of stimulation, was transiently unable to point to pictures of famous faces among strangers and to match pictures of famous or unfamiliar faces presented simultaneously for their identity. Her performance at comparable tasks with other visual materials (written names, pictures of buildings) remained unaffected by stimulation at the same location. During right FFA stimulation, CJ consistently reported that simultaneously presented faces appeared as being the same identity, with little or no distortion of the spatial face configuration. Independent electrophysiological recordings showed the largest neural face-selective and face identity activity at the critical electrode contacts. Altogether, this extensive multimodal case report supports the causal role of the right FFA in FIR.
Keywords: Direct electrical stimulation; Face identity recognition; Fusiform gyrus; Prosopagnosia; iEEG.
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