Single case experimental designs are an important research design in behavioral and medical research. Although there are design standards prescribed by the What Works Clearinghouse for single case experimental designs, these standards do not include statistically derived power computations. Recently we derived the equations for computing power for (AB)k designs. However, these computations and the software code in R may not be accessible to applied researchers who are most likely to want to compute power for their studies. Therefore, we have developed an (AB)k power calculator Shiny App ( that researchers can use with no software training. These power computations assume that the researcher would be interested in fitting multilevel models with autocorrelations or conduct similar analyses. The purpose of this software contribution is to briefly explain how power is derived for balanced (AB)k designs and to elaborate on how to use the Shiny App. The app works well on not just computers but mobile phones without installing the R program. We believe this can be a valuable tool for practitioners and applied researchers who want to plan their single case studies with sufficient power to detect appropriate effect sizes.
Keywords: Single case experimental designs; effect size; power analysis; single case designs; software.