To combat the irreversible decline in renal function associated with kidney disease, it is essential to establish non-invasive biomarkers for assessing renal microcirculation. However, the limited resolution and/or vascular sensitivity of existing diagnostic imaging techniques hinders the visualization of complex cortical vessels. Here, a 3D renal ultrafast Doppler (UFD) imaging system that uses a high ultrasound frequency (18 MHz) and ultrahigh frame rate (1 KHz per slice) to scan the entire volume of a rat's kidney in vivo is demonstrated. The system, which can visualize the full 3D renal vascular branching pyramid at a resolution of 167 µm without any contrast agent, is used to chronically and noninvasively monitor kidneys with acute kidney injury (AKI, 3 days) and diabetic kidney disease (DKD, 8 weeks). Multiparametric UFD analyses (e.g., vessel volume occupancy (VVO), fractional moving blood volume (FMBV), vessel number density (VND), and vessel tortuosity (VT)) describe rapid vascular rarefaction from AKI and long-term vascular degeneration from DKD, while the renal pathogeneses are validated by in vitro blood serum testing and stained histopathology. This work demonstrates the potential of 3D renal UFD to offer valuable insights into assessing kidney perfusion levels for future research in diabetes and kidney transplantation.
Keywords: 3D ultrafast doppler; acute kidney injury; diabetic kidney disease; renal vascular imaging.
© 2023 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.