Around 3% of the genome consists of simple DNA repeats that are prone to forming alternative (non-B) DNA structures, such as hairpins, cruciforms, triplexes (H-DNA), four-stranded guanine quadruplexes (G4-DNA), and others, as well as composite RNA:DNA structures (e.g., R-loops, G-loops, and H-loops). These DNA structures are dynamic and favored by the unwinding of duplex DNA. For many years, the association of alternative DNA structures with genome function was limited by the lack of methods to detect them in vivo. Here, we review the recent advancements in the field and present state-of-the-art technologies and methods to study alternative DNA structures. We discuss the limitations of these methods as well as how they are beginning to provide insights into causal relationships between alternative DNA structures, genome function and stability, and human disease.
Published by Elsevier Inc.