The United States persists in combatting the opioid epidemic. Collectively, researchers should be in search of evidence-based solutions. One such could be an appropriate screening tool to determine a patient's risk of opioid misuse. The screening tool should be transparent, provide high specificity, be validated across a variety of healthcare settings, and be a guided clinical decision-making tool to avoid weaponizing an opioid risk score. We should shift our focus from the number of opioid prescriptions dispensed to appropriateness of each prescription. We should be aware of utilizing non-opioid therapy options. In addition, healthcare providers should be knowledgeable of opioid misuse resources in their area to avoid practicing defensively, while instead concentrating their efforts on patients' best interests. The patients' dignity should be upheld through empathetic care from healthcare providers. We need to reduce the stigma surrounding opioid use, and ensure patient safety with one, cohesive, validated, opioid risk assessment tool.
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