Topological Darkness in Optical Heterostructures: Prediction and Confirmation

ACS Photonics. 2023 Sep 12;10(10):3715-3722. doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00879. eCollection 2023 Oct 18.


Topological darkness is a new phenomenon that guarantees zero reflection/transmission of light from an optical sample and hence provides topologically nontrivial phase singularities. Here we consider topological darkness in an optical heterostructure that consists of an (unknown) layer placed on a composite substrate and suggest an algorithm that can be used to predict and confirm the presence of topological darkness. The algorithm is based on a combination of optical measurements and the Fresnel equations. We apply this algorithm to ultrathin Pd films fabricated on a Si/SiO2/Cr substrate and extract four different points of topological darkness. Our results will be useful for topological photonics and label-free optical biosensing based on phase interrogation.