Quantum spins, also known as spin operators that preserve SU(2) symmetry, lack a specific orientation in space and are hypothesized to display unique interactions with superconductivity. However, spin-orbit coupling and crystal field typically cause a significant magnetic anisotropy in d/f shell spins on surfaces. Here, we fabricate atomically precise S = 1/2 magnetic nanographenes on Pb(111) through engineering sublattice imbalance in the graphene honeycomb lattice. Through tuning the magnetic exchange strength between the unpaired spin and Cooper pairs, a quantum phase transition from the singlet to the doublet state has been observed, consistent with the quantum spin models. From our calculations, the particle-hole asymmetry is induced by the Coulomb scattering potential and gives a transition point about kBTk ≈ 1.6Δ. Our work demonstrates that delocalized π electron magnetism hosts highly tunable magnetic bound states, which can be further developed to study the Majorana bound states and other rich quantum phases of low-dimensional quantum spins on superconductors.
Keywords: Nanographene; Quantum phase transition; Superconductor; Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states.