Objective: Absolute risk models estimate an individual's future disease risk over a specified time interval. Applications utilizing server-side risk tooling, such as the R-based iCARE (R-iCARE), to build, validate, and apply absolute risk models, face serious limitations in portability and privacy due to their need for circulating user data in remote servers for operation. Our objective was to overcome these limitations.
Materials and methods: We refactored R-iCARE into a Python package (Py-iCARE) then compiled it to WebAssembly (Wasm-iCARE): a portable web module, which operates entirely within the privacy of the user's device.
Results: We showcase the portability and privacy of Wasm-iCARE through two applications: for researchers to statistically validate risk models, and to deliver them to end-users. Both applications run entirely on the client-side, requiring no downloads or installations, and keeps user data on-device during risk calculation.
Conclusions: Wasm-iCARE fosters accessible and privacy-preserving risk tools, accelerating their validation and delivery.
Keywords: Portable Software Applications; Preventative Medicine; Risk Analysis; World Wide Web.