Effects of climate change on wind erosion in the three provinces of Northeast China

Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao. 2023 Sep;34(9):2429-2435. doi: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.202309.011.


The three provinces of Northeast China are crucial to national commodity grain production. Soils in those areas have begun to severely degrade after long-term high-intensity use, with wind erosion as one of the main reasons. Based on meteorological and soil data from 1981 to 2019, we evaluated the spatial-temporal characteristics of wind erosion on bare land in the three provinces of Northeast China by using the revised wind erosion equation (RWEQ), and analyzed the contributions of meteorological factors to wind erosion on bare land. The results showed that, the meteorological factors of wind erosion were overall high in southwestern part and low in northeastern part of the region. In general, wind erosion in the region was substantial, especially in Liaoning. During the 39 years, wind erosion significantly increased throughout the whole year and during the growing season, at a rate of 129 and 105 t·km-2 per decade, respectively. The obvious increase in wind erosion was observed in the northwest Liaoning, Liaohe Plain, and Changbai Mountain area. Wind speed and air temperature were the main factors affecting wind erosion during the year and non-growing season, which contributed less during the growing season when precipitation contributed the most. We concluded that climate change has aggravated soil wind erosion in the three provinces of Northeast China.

东北三省是我国重要的商品粮生产基地,但经过多年的高强度利用,土壤面临着严重的退化问题,其中土壤风蚀是造成东北三省土壤流失退化的主要原因之一。本研究以东北三省为研究区域,基于1981—2019年的气象数据和土壤数据,利用修正风蚀模型(RWEQ)分析了近39年裸地条件下东北三省土壤风蚀的时空变化规律,并解析了气象因子对裸地土壤风蚀变化的贡献。结果表明: 研究区域风蚀气象因子整体呈西南高、东北低的分布特征,其风蚀量属于强烈侵蚀等级,以辽宁省境内风蚀量最大;近39年全年和生长季风蚀量均呈显著增加趋势,平均每10年分别增加129和105 t·km-2,以辽西北地区、辽河平原区和长白山区增加趋势最明显。影响土壤风蚀量的主要气象因子在全年和非生长季为风速和气温,在生长季降水的贡献率升高,而风速和温度的贡献率下降。综上,研究期间,气候变化使东北三省土壤风蚀加重。.

Keywords: climate change; meteorological factors; revised wind erosion equation (RWEQ); the three provinces of Northeast China; wind erosion.

MeSH terms

  • China
  • Climate Change*
  • Soil
  • Temperature
  • Wind*


  • Soil