Background: Normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) and hypothermic-oxygenated-perfusion (HOPE), were both shown to improve outcomes after liver transplantation from donors after circulatory death (DCD). Comparative clinical and mechanistical studies are however lacking.
Methods: A rodent model of NRP and HOPE, both in the donor, was developed. Following asystolic donor warm ischemia time (DWIT), the abdominal compartment was perfused either with a donor-blood-based-perfusate at 37 °C (NRP) or with oxygenated Belzer-MPS at 10 °C (donor-HOPE) for 2 h. Livers were then procured and underwent 5 h static cold storage (CS), followed by transplantation. Un-perfused and HOPE-treated DCD-livers (after CS) and healthy livers (DBD) with direct implantation after NRP served as controls. Endpoints included the entire spectrum of ischemia-reperfusion-injury.
Findings: Healthy control livers (DBD) showed minimal signs of inflammation during 2 h NRP and achieved 100% posttransplant recipient survival. In contrast, DCD livers with 30 and 60 min DWIT suffered from greater mitochondrial injury and inflammation as measured by increased perfusate Lactate, FMN- and HMGB-1-levels with subsequent Toll-like-receptor activation during NRP. In contrast, donor-HOPE (instead of NRP) led to significantly less mitochondrial-complex-I-injury and inflammation. Results after donor-HOPE were comparable to ex-situ HOPE after CS. Most DCD-liver recipients survived when treated with one HOPE-technique (86%), compared to only 40% after NRP (p = 0.0053). Following a reduction of DWIT (15 min), DCD liver recipients achieved comparable survivals with NRP (80%).
Interpretation: High-risk DCD livers benefit more from HOPE-treatment, either immediately in the donor or after cold storage. Comparative prospective clinical studies are required to translate the results.
Funding: Funding was provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no: 32003B-140776/1, 3200B-153012/1, 320030-189055/1, and 31IC30-166909) and supported by University Careggi (grant no 32003B-140776/1) and the OTT (grant No.: DRGT641/2019, cod.prog. 19CT03) and the Max Planck Society. Work in the A.G. laboratory was partially supported by the NIH R01NS112381 and R21NS125466 grants.
Keywords: Donation after circulatory death; Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion; Ischemia reperfusion injury; Liver transplantation; Mitochondria; Normothermic regional perfusion.
Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.