Objective: To investigate the relationship between preoperative pain scores and the mesoappendix volume and the presence of complications in patients with acute appendicitis.
Study design: Cross-sectional observational study. Place and Duration of the Study: Department of General Surgery at Kutahya Health Sciences University, Kutahya, Turkey, from January to December 2021.
Methodology: Pain degrees in patients with acute appendicitis were measured by Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and Wong-Baker Scale (WBS). Mesoappendix volume was calculated using the formula: mesoappendix length x width x height. Appendicitis type (as complicated or uncomplicated) was grouped.
Results: There was a positive and statistically significant correlation (17%) between the NRS and mesoappendix volume (p=0.065). In addition, there was a positive and statistically significant correlation (17%) between the WBS and mesoappendix volume (p=0.057). Additionally, there was a statistically significant relationship between the NRS, WBS, and complicated appendicitis (p=0.022, p=0.022, respectively).
Conclusion: The mesoappendix volume might contribute to preoperative pain process in acute appendicitis patients. Specifically, there is a statistically significant correlation between complicated appendicitis and preoperative pain scores.
Key words: Appendicitis, Pain, Mesentery, Complicated appendicitis.