Gram-positive bacteria are responsible for a wide range of infections in humans. In most Gram-positive bacteria, sortase A plays a significant role in attaching virulence factors to the bacteria's cell wall. These cell surface proteins play a significant role in virulence and pathogenesis. Even though antibiotics are available to treat these infections, there is a continuous search for an alternative strategy due to an increase in antibiotic resistance. Thus, using anti-sortase drugs to combat these bacterial infections may be a promising approach. Here, we describe a method for targeting Gram-positive bacterial infection by combining curcumin and trans-chalcone as sortase A inhibitors. We have used curcumin and trans-chalcone alone and in combination as a sortase A inhibitor. We have seen ~78%, ~43%, and ~94% inhibition when treated with curcumin, trans-chalcone, and a combination of both compounds, respectively. The compounds have also shown a significant effect on biofilm formation, IgG binding, protein A recruitment, and IgG deposition. We discovered that combining curcumin and trans-chalcone is more effective against Gram-positive bacteria than either compound alone. The present work demonstrated that a combination of these natural compounds could be used as an antivirulence therapy against Gram-positive bacterial infection.
Keywords: E. faecalis; S. aureus; Biofilm; Infection; Protein A; Sortase A.
© 2023. Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.