Digital tools, particularly specialised decision support systems (DSSs), can be utilized to assist in the complex process of brownfield redevelopment. Existing brownfield DSSs typically focus on site-specific, late-stage applications, and socioeconomic factors are often overlooked. In this paper, we present a novel DSS aimed at providing support for early-stage, city region-scale brownfield land use planning and redevelopment. The proposed DSS is a prototype WebGIS application that enables land use planners and other brownfield regeneration professionals to examine a region and a set of sites during the initial planning phase for brownfield redevelopment. The DSS includes three bespoke modules comprising: (1) Land Use Potential (residential, commercial, and public open space), (2) risks posed by contamination and geotechnical hazards, (3) data pertinent to brownfield economic viability assessments. We outline a use case for this DSS, developed through comprehensive user-requirements gathering, and subsequently describe the techniques employed to construct the DSS modules and user interface. Finally, we present the results of user testing, wherein case-study stakeholders assessed the DSS. The feedback obtained during user testing aided in the identification of areas for improvement with regard to the functionality, usability, and effectiveness of the DSS in supporting decision-makers. The feedback was utilized to implement iterative improvements to the DSS and to plan future developments for the prototype DSS.
Keywords: Brownfield redevelopment; Digital tools; GIS; Land Use; MCDA; Risk; Stakeholder engagement; Viability.
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