Interaction between Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) spike (S) protein heptad repeat-1 domain (HR1) and heptad repeat-2 domain (HR2) is critical for the MERS-CoV fusion process. This interaction is mediated by the α-helical region from HR2 and the hydrophobic groove in a central HR1 trimeric coiled coil. We sought to develop a short peptidomimetic to act as a MERS-CoV fusion inhibitor by reproducing the key recognition features of HR2 helix. This was achieved by the use of helix-stabilizing strategies, including substitution with unnatural helix-favoring amino acids, introduction of ion pair interactions, and conjugation of palmitic acid. The resulting 23-mer lipopeptide, termed AEEA-C16, inhibits MERS-CoV S protein-mediated cell-cell fusion at a low micromolar level comparable to that of the 36-mer HR2 peptide HR2P-M2. Collectively, our studies provide new insights into developing short peptide-based antiviral agents to treat MERS-CoV infection.
Keywords: Fusion inhibitor; Lipopeptide; MERS-CoV; Membrane fusion; α-Helices.
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