Materials and methods: An interprovincial team from Ontario and Quebec reviewed available EMD literature and evidence syntheses and completed an inventory of health services, policies and practices in SCI/D care. The review outcomes were combined with expert opinion to create an EMD risk model to inform health service transformation.
Results: EMD risk and mortality are highly prevalent among adults with chronic SCI/D. In stark contrast, few rehabilitation interventions target EMD outcomes. The modelled solution proposes: 1) abandoning single-disease paradigms and examining a holistic perspective of the individual's EMD risk, and 2) developing and disseminating practice-based research approaches in outpatient community settings.
Conclusions: RIISC model adoption could accelerate EMD care optimization, and ultimately inform the design of large-scale longitudinal pragmatic trials likely to improve health outcomes. Linking the RIISC team activities to economic evaluations and policy deliverables will strengthen the relevance and impact among policymakers, health care providers and patients.
Keywords: Spinal cord injury; cardiometabolic disease; endocrine metabolic disease; osteosarcopenia; prevention; rehabilitation.
Living with a spinal cord injury or disease (SCI/D) increases endocrine metabolic disease (EMD) risk.EMD-related outcomes include fracture; type II diabetes; and cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death and stroke), directly contributing to higher morbidity and mortality.Single-disease paradigms are not the ideal strategy to address multimorbidity contexts experienced in SCI/D.Practice-based research could be an alternative/adjunct to randomized control trials at generating evidence on current and emerging rehabilitation approaches.