Europe, United States and other countries make moves to compensate for the loss of Ukraine's exports by diverting crops meant for biofuels into food production and to relax some of the biofuels mandates due to the challenges of 2022 Russian invasion on Ukraine (RIU). Ukraine as a leading exporter of cereals and oil crops in the world has suffered reduction in exports of grain products since the inception of the invasion. This work critically evaluates the immediate and remote potential effects of the RIU on Ukraine's biofuel capacity and potentials, energy strategies and policies, direct impacts of the war on Ukraine and Russia and other countries' biofuels policies were evaluated. Ukraine is found to be a very important big player on global biofuels energy security and policies. It was observed that there are more significant impacts of the war on Ukraine biofuel industry than that of Russia due to very low priority on the development of Liquid biofuels (LBs) in Russia. Recommendations based on the concepts of national energy security and independence were elucidated. Post invasion-strategies such as development of framework for management of post-war waste, ensuring strict adherence to EU biofuels sustainable directives, and implementation of Bioplus-project for Ukraine government were underpinned. This article provides useful information, guidelines and directives that would enable Ukraine government and other countries facing energy insecurity and political crises to restore energy independence and national economy.
Keywords: Biofuels; Energy security; Policy; Russia-Ukraine invasion; Strategy; Sustainability.
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.