Nitrogen is the most limiting nutrient for plants, and it is preferentially absorbed in the form of nitrate by roots, which adapt to nitrate fluctuations by remodelling their architecture. Although core mechanisms of the response to nitrate availability are relatively well-known, signalling events controlling root growth and architecture have not all been identified, in particular in Legumes. However, the developmental effect of nitrate in Legumes is critical since external nitrate not only regulates root architecture but also N2-fixing nodule development. We have previously shown that in barrel medic (Medicago truncatula), the nitrate transporter MtNPF6.8 is required for nitrate sensitivity in root tip. However, uncertainty remains as to whether nitrogen metabolism itself is involved in the MtNPF6.8-mediated response. Here, we examine the metabolic effects of MtNPF6.8-dependent nitrate signalling using metabolomics and proteomics in WT and mtnpf6.8 root tips in presence or absence of nitrate. We found a reorchestration of metabolism due to the mutation, in favour of the branched chain amino acids/pantothenate metabolic pathway, and lipid catabolism via glyoxylate. That is, the mtnpf6.8 mutation was likely associated with a specific rerouting of acetyl-CoA production (glyoxylic cycle) and utilisation (pantothenate and branched chain amino acid synthesis). In agreement with our previous findings, class III peroxidases were confirmed as the main protein class responsive to nitrate, although in an MtNPF6.8-independent fashion. Our data rather suggest the involvement of other pathways within mtnpf6.8 root tips, such as Ca2+ signalling or cell wall methylation.
Keywords: Class III peroxidases; Medicago truncatula; Metabolomics; Nitrate; Proteomics; Roots.
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