Long term exposure to silica at worksites can cause silicosis. This typically has two radiographic forms, simple silicosis and complicated or conglomerate silicosis. Patients with acute silicosis have rapid progression of disease with fulminant respiratory failure over months rather than years. The patient described in this case report had a one-time 4 to 5-h exposure to silica and sand dust at work when his mask malfunctioned. He developed cough and shortness of breath. During his initial clinic visit he had significant cough. His chest examination was clear without crackles or wheezes. His pulmonary function tests were within normal limits. His chest x-ray was clear. Both symptoms, especially the cough, persisted over the next 6+ months even after treatment with oral corticosteroids and inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta agonists. Consequently, this patient developed severe cough following a one-time exposure to silica particulates. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that silica exposure can cause reactive oxygen species which potentially could have activated transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 channels in the afferent sensory nerves in his bronchial epithelium. This could cause sustained cough for more than 6 months. His symptoms improved but did not resolve with corticosteroid treatment. Therefore, this case demonstrates that acute silica exposure can cause sustained airway symptoms in healthy workers.
Keywords: Cough; silica; transient receptor potential vanilloid channels.