American Indian and Alaska Native (Native) Veterans enrolled in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits program are far less likely to access health care compared to other racial/ethnic groups, in part driven by challenges posed by often distant, complex, and culturally unresponsive health care that does not easily interface with the Indian Health Service (IHS) and local Tribal Health Care. To address this disparity, in 2020 the Veteran's Health Administration's (VHA) Office of Rural Health (ORH) initiated the development of a patient navigation program designed specifically for rural Native Veterans. There are no navigation programs for rural Native Veterans to guide development of such a program. Hence, the project team sought perspectives from rural Native Veterans, their families, and community advocates, (n = 34), via video and phone interviews about the role and functions of a Veteran patient navigator and personal characteristics best be suited for such a position. Participants believed a navigator program would be useful in assisting rural Native Veterans to access VHA care. They emphasized the importance of empathy, support, knowledge of local culture, and of Veteran experience within tribal communities, adeptness with VHA systems, and personnel consistency. These insights are critical to create a program capable of increasing rural Native Veteran access to VHA services.
Keywords: American Indian\Alaska Native; Culture; Health care; Patient navigation; Qualitative methods; Veteran.
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