Aim: To describe the distribution of neuroimaging patterns in a term/late preterm population-based cohort with cerebral palsy (CP), ascertain associations between neuroimaging patterns and neonatal well-being, estimate the proportion with antenatal or perinatal timing of neuropathology, and apply this information to the understanding of common mechanisms of brain injury and causal pathways.
Method: The cohort for this observational study comprised 1348 persons born between 1999 and 2017 in Victoria, Australia. Using algorithms designed for the study, neonatal well-being and timing of brain injury were tabulated for the whole cohort and across neuroimaging patterns and birth epochs.
Results: Clinical and demographic profiles, neonatal well-being, and timing of brain injury differed across neuroimaging patterns. An estimated 57% of the cohort had a complicated neonatal period. Timing of brain injury was antenatal in 57% and perinatal in 41%. A decrease in the relative proportions of perinatal timing of brain injury was observed over a period when the rates of CP in live births at term decreased.
Interpretation: This study begins to bridge the knowledge gap about causation in CP, moving towards better description of the main mechanisms of brain injury and their contribution within CP cohorts, and facilitating the ability to monitor changes over time and the success of preventive measures.
What this paper adds: In a population-based, term/late preterm cohort with cerebral palsy, 57% had a complicated neonatal period. In the same cohort, 57% had presumed antenatal timing of brain injury. The relative proportion with perinatal injury decreased over time.
© 2023 The Authors. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Mac Keith Press.