A gating circuit for a photonic quantum simulator is introduced. The gating circuit uses a large excess bias voltage of up to 9.9 V and an integrated single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD). Nine channels are monolithically implemented in an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) including nine SPADs using 0.18 µm high-voltage CMOS technology. The gating circuit achieves rise and fall times of 480 ps and 280 ps, respectively, and a minimum full-width-at-half-maximum pulse width of 1.26 ns. Thanks to a fast and sensitive comparator, a detection threshold for avalanche events of less than 100 mV is possible. The power consumption of all nine channels is about 250 mW in total. This gating chip is used to characterize the integrated SPADs. A photon detection probability of around 50% at 9.9 V excess bias and for a wavelength of 635 nm is found.
Keywords: CMOS; SPAD; gating circuit; quantum simulator; single-photon avalanche diode.