Research on bryophyte phytochemistry has revealed the presence of different phytochemicals like fatty acids, terpenoids, small phenolic molecules, etc. Small phenolic molecules, i.e., bibenzyls (of two aromatic rings) and bisbibenzyls (four aromatic rings), are unique signature molecules of liverworts. The first bisbibenzyls marchantin A and riccardin A were discovered in two consecutive years, i.e., 1982 and 1983, respectively, by Asakawa and coworkers. Since then, about 70 bisbibenzyls have been reported. These molecules are characterized and identified using different spectroscopic techniques and surveyed for different bioactivity and structure-activity relations. Biochemistry is determined by the season, geography, and environment. In this review, quantitative and qualitative information on bibenzyls and bisbibenzyl compounds and their distribution in different liverworts across, geographies along withtraditional to advanced extraction methods, and characterization techniques are summarized. Also, a comprehensive account of characteristic spectra of different bisbibenzyl compounds, their subtypes, and their basic skeleton patterns are compared. A comprehensive table is provided here for the first time presenting the quantity of bibenzyls, bisbenzyls, and their derivatives found in bryophytes, mentioning the spectroscopic data and mass profiles of the compounds. The significance of these compounds in different bioactivities like antibiotic, antioxidative, antitumor, antivenomous, anti-influenza, insect antifeedant, cytotoxic, and anticancerous activities are surveyed and critically enumerated.
Keywords: bibenzyls; bisbibenzyls; bryophytes; characterization; extraction; structure–activity relationship.