Multiscale organisation of lead carboxylates in artistic oil binders

Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2024 Jan 17;26(3):2657-2665. doi: 10.1039/d3cp02993j.


The supramolecular and mesoscopic architectures of lead-saponified linseed oil, used by painters since the Renaissance, have been characterised and linked to their rheological properties. The multi-scale organization of saponified oils has been demonstrated by SAXS (Small Angle X-ray Scattering), FF-TEM (Freeze-Fracture Transmission Electron Microscopy) and DIC (Differential Interference Contrast): some of the lead soaps (formed when the oil is heated in the presence of PbO) are organized into microscopic lamellar domains, distributed in a continuous matrix made up of unorganized species (partially saponified triglycerides, glycerol, remaining soaps, etc.). The concentration of lead soaps in the oil controls the average size and interaction between the lamellar domains. Linseed oil + PbO 17 mol% is viscous and consists of aggregates of lamellar domains isolated within the continuous unorganized matrix. In contrast, in linseed oil + PbO 50 mol%, the domains are homogeneously dispersed and form what can be described as a three-dimensional network, giving the system viscoelastic properties.