A 13-year-old boy of nonconsanguineous parents presented with abnormal body movements, gait difficulty, and slurring of speech for 2 years. On examination, he had rigidity, dystonia, dysarthria, and drooling. Ophthalmologic examination revealed bilateral Kayser-Fleischer rings. He had elevated serum "free" copper levels (41.2 μg/dL [range:10-15]), 24-hour urine copper levels (895.7 μg/d [range:<60]), and reduced serum ceruloplasmin levels (4.3 mg/dL (range:20-40]). MRI revealed "face of giant panda" appearance (Figure A), T2-fluid attenuated inversion recovery hyperintensities (Figure, B and C), and frontal cystic encephalomalacic changes (Figure D), suggestive of Wilson disease (WD). Face of giant panda in WD, first described by Hitoshi et al.,1 is due to high signal intensity in tegmentum with normal signals in red nuclei forming the eyes, normal signals of pars reticulata (lateral portion) of substantia nigra forming the ears, and hypointensity of superior colliculus forming the chin.2 Bilateral cystic changes are less commonly reported in WD.3 Recognizing diverse neuroimaging signatures beyond well-known findings in WD enhances diagnostic accuracy.