Objective: To analyze the utilization of adult vaccination among people aged 18 and above in Shandong Province from 2018 to 2022. Methods: Data on vaccination units in 2022 and individual cases of vaccination information for people aged 18 and above were extracted from the Shandong Immunization Information System. A descriptive analysis was conducted on the distribution of adult vaccination units and adult vaccination varieties. The total vaccination amount and vaccination rate were calculated. Results: By the end of 2022, there were 3 948 vaccination units providing adult vaccination in Shandong Province, with 0.36 adult vaccination clinics per 10 000 people. Adult vaccination including RabV(rabies vaccine for human use), InfV(influenza vaccine), HPV(human papillomavirus), HepB(hepatitis B vaccine), PPV23(23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine), MenACYW135(meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine group ACYW135), MMR(measles, mumps and rubella combined attenuated live vaccine), HEV(hepatitise E vaccine), RZV(recombinant zoster vaccine), TV(tetanus vaccine) and HF(haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome vaccine) vaccines were administered, with a cumulative dose of 40.056 9 million and an average of 0.1 doses per person per year from 2018 to 2022. The top three vaccines were RabV, InfV and HPV, accounting for 31.48%, 22.57%, and 15.93% of the total vaccination amount, respectively. The annual vaccination dose for adults increased from 3.477 3 million in 2018 to 13.308 6 million in 2022, with an average annual growth rate of 56.55%. The cumulative 5-year doses of RabV and TV were 15.90 doses per 100 people and 0.21 doses per 100 people. The average annual vaccination rate of InfV was 2.28%. The cumulative full vaccination rates of HPV, HepB, PPV23 and RZV were 12.44%, 1.61%, 0.52% and 0.17%, respectively. The cumulative 5-year doses of RabV and TV were 29.19 doses per 100 people and 0.43 doses per 100 people in the age group of 20 to<30 years old. The vaccination rates of InfV and PPV23 were 9.08% and 1.27% in the age group of 70 to<80 years old. The vaccination rate of RZV was 0.11% in the age group of 50 to<60 years old. The HPV vaccination rate was 18.09% in the age group of 20 to<30 years old, and the HepB, MenACYW135, MMR and HEV vaccination rates were 6.21%, 9.55%, 2.65%, and 2.83% in the 18-19 age group, respectively. Conclusion: There are relatively few types of adult vaccination in Shandong Province, with narrow coverage and low vaccination rates.
目的: 分析山东省2018—2022年18岁以上人群成人疫苗接种情况。 方法: 通过山东省预防接种信息系统,收集2022年全省预防接种单位数据及2018—2022年间18周岁以上人群疫苗接种信息个案,描述性分析成人疫苗接种单位的分布和成人接种疫苗品种,计算接种总量及接种率。 结果: 2022年底,山东省共有提供成人疫苗接种的预防接种单位3 948家,每万人拥有成人预防接种门诊0.36家。2018—2022年,开展了人用狂犬病疫苗(RabV)、流感疫苗(InfV)、人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗、乙型肝炎疫苗(HepB)、23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗(PPV23)、ACYW135群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗(MenACYW135)、麻疹-风疹-流行性腮腺炎联合减毒活疫苗(MMR)、戊型肝炎疫苗(HepE)、重组带状疱疹疫苗(RZV)、破伤风疫苗(TV)、流行性出血热(HF)疫苗共计11类成人疫苗的接种,接种总量为4 005.69万剂,平均0.1剂/(人·年);RabV、InfV、HPV疫苗分别占接种总量的31.48%、22.57%和15.93%。2018—2022年,成人疫苗年均增长率为56.55%;RabV 和TV5年累计接种剂次分别为15.90剂/100人和0.21剂/100人;InfV年均接种率为2.28%;HPV疫苗、HepB、PPV23、RZV累计全程接种率分别为12.44%、1.61%、0.52%和0.17%。20~<30岁年龄组RabV和TV 5年累计接种剂次为29.19剂/100人和0.43剂/100人;70~<80岁年龄组InfV和 PPV23接种率分为9.08%和1.27%;50~<60岁年龄组RZV接种率为0.11%;20~<30岁年龄组HPV疫苗接种率为18.09%;18~19岁年龄组HepB、MenACYW135、MMR、HEV接种率分为6.21%、9.55%、2.65%和2.83%。 结论: 山东省成人疫苗接种品种较少,普及面窄,接种率较低。.