Practical workflow for arbitrary non-circular orbits for CT with clinical robotic C-arms

Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2022 Jun:12304:123042H. doi: 10.1117/12.2647158. Epub 2022 Oct 17.


Non-circular orbits in cone-beam CT (CBCT) imaging are increasingly being studied for potential benefits in field-of-view, dose reduction, improved image quality, minimal interference in guided procedures, metal artifact reduction, and more. While modern imaging systems such as robotic C-arms are enabling more freedom in potential orbit designs, practical implementation on such clinical systems remains challenging due to obstacles in critical stages of the workflow, including orbit realization, geometric calibration, and reconstruction. In this work, we build upon previous successes in clinical implementation and address key challenges in the geometric calibration stage with a novel calibration method. The resulting workflow eliminates the need for prior patient scans or dedicated calibration phantoms, and can be conducted in clinically relevant processing times.

Keywords: C-arms; Cone-beam CT; geometric calibration; non-circular orbits.