Tanesini on truth and epistemic vice

Inquiry (Oslo). 2023 Feb 9;67(2):762-768. doi: 10.1080/0020174X.2023.2167233. eCollection 2024.


Alessandra Taniesini's 'The Mismeasure of the Self' develops an internalist account of epistemic vice. On this view, epistemic vices are grounded in attitudes towards the self: fatalism, self-satisfaction, narcissistic infatuation, and self-abasement. The account is internalist insofar as it claims to ground both the nature and the normativity of vice within the subject's skull. In this paper, I argue against vice internalism: epistemic vices, I show, need a normative hook outside the skull to explain their vicious nature. In other words, the 'mis' in the 'mismeasure' of the self demands externalist unpacking.

Keywords: Epistemic vice; reliabilism; responsibilism.

Grants and funding

This work was supported by HORIZON EUROPE European Research Council: [grant number 948356].