The latest research findings on bidirectional regulation of neuro-immunity through traditional neural circuits shed new light on the theoretical basis of the role of vidian neurectomy (VN). This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of VN, including the history of VN, the principle of neuroimmuno-interaction, the applied anatomy of VN as well as the methods of transnasal endoscopic surgery. Additionally, we introduce the concept of the nose-brain axis, which was proposed based on the advancement in the area of neuro-immune interactions.
借助传统的神经环路可以实现神经-免疫的双向调控,这一发现为重新认识翼管神经切断术(vidian neurectomy,VN)提供了理论依据。本文就VN的发展历史、神经-免疫相互作用的原理、VN的应用解剖以及内镜术式进行重点介绍,旨在为临床展现一幅较为全面的从理论到实践的VN画图。.