Purpose: We developed a method of standardizing the heart-to-mediastinal ratio in 123I-labeled meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) images using a conversion coefficient derived from a dedicated phantom. This study aimed to create a machine-learning (ML) model to estimate conversion coefficients without using a phantom.
Methods: 210 Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of 123I-MIBG images to obtain conversion coefficients using collimators that differed in terms of hole diameter, septal thickness, and length. Simulated conversion coefficients and collimator parameters were prepared as training datasets, then a gradient-boosting ML was trained to estimate conversion coefficients from collimator parameters. Conversion coefficients derived by ML were compared with those that were MC simulated and experimentally derived from 613 phantom images.
Results: Conversion coefficients were superior when estimated by ML compared with the classical multiple linear regression model (root mean square deviations: 0.021 and 0.059, respectively). The experimental, MC simulated, and ML-estimated conversion coefficients agreed, being, respectively, 0.54, 0.55, and 0.55 for the low-; 0.74, 0.70, and 0.72 for the low-middle; and 0.88, 0.88, and 0.88 for the medium-energy collimators.
Conclusions: The ML model estimated conversion coefficients without the need for phantom experiments. This means that conversion coefficients were comparable when estimated based on collimator parameters and on experiments.
Keywords: 123I-MIBG; Monte Carlo simulation; collimator; heart-to-mediastinum ratio.
© 2023. The Author(s).