Rabbits given a hypercholesterolemic diet (500 mg/day) for 6 months and then maintained for another 6 months on a normal diet were found to have developed fibrous lipidic lesions in the aorta. Although circulating platelet levels in these animals were normal there was a reduction in mean megakaryocyte ploidy. The high concentrations of megakaryoblasts in all the sedimentation fractions collected by the 'STAPUT' system suggested an increase in megakaryocyte turnover with activation of committed stem cells. In addition, other defects in maturation of megakaryocytes were observed, such as abnormalities in the demarcation membrane system and granule number. These data reveal that defects in megakaryocyte maturation and turnover may occur during the process of reparative fibrosis of the arterial tree following a period of moderate hypercholesterolemic diet in the rabbit.