Animals use a combination of eye movements to track moving objects. These different eye movements need to be coordinated for successful tracking, requiring interactions between the systems involved. Here, we study the interaction between the saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movement systems in marmosets. Using a single target pursuit task, we show that saccades cause an enhancement in pursuit following a saccade. Using a two-target pursuit task, we show that this enhancement in pursuit is selective towards the motion of the target selected by the saccade, irrespective of any biases in pursuit prior to the saccade. These experiments highlight the similarities in the functioning of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movement systems across primates.
Significance statement: We study the coordination between the smooth-pursuit and saccadic eye movement systems in marmosets using single and multiple object motions. We find that saccade to a target increases pursuit velocity towards the target. If multiple objects are visible, saccade choice makes pursuit more selective towards the saccade target. Our results show that coordination between different eye movement systems to successfully track moving objects is similar between marmosets and primates.