Ipsilateral versus contralateral static endurance- balance abilities among healthy college students

J Taibah Univ Med Sci. 2024 Jan 11;19(2):321-326. doi: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2023.12.009. eCollection 2024 Apr.


Objectives: This study sought to determine the association and the difference, if any, between the levels of the contralateral and between the levels of the ipsilateral sides during static endurance-balance exercise.

Methods: One hundred twelve healthy active- college students (55 females and 57 males) participated in this cross-sectional study. Each participant performed the contralateral (raising one arm and opposite-side leg) quadruped bird dog exercise and balanced in static condition. Side bridge exercise was performed from lying on your side then engaging your core muscles and lifting your upper body and hips off the ground, maintaining a straight line and holding this position as long as tolerated.

Results: Wilcoxon signed rank test showed significant difference (p = 0.004) between the contralateral right and left quadruped bird dog but insignificant difference (p = 0.059) between the ipsilateral right and left side bridge endurance-balance exercises. Mann-Whitney U test showed that the holding time was significant across gender for the contralateral but was insignificant for the ipsilateral endurance-balance exercise. Mann-Whitney U test was insignificant (p > 0.05) between those being recreationally active or inactive. Kruskal-Wallis test revealed insignificant difference between body mass index categories. Spearman's rho correlation coefficient showed strong positive correlation equals 0.85 and 0.75 (p < 0.001) of the contralateral quadruped bird dog and the ipsilateral side bridge exercises respectively.

Conclusions: A significant difference was observed for contralateral, while no significant difference was found for ipsilateral endurance-balance abilities. Therefore, clinicians and rehab specialist should consider these findings when assessing the endurance-balance abilities to properly devise appropriate exercise progression of different trunk stabilizers.

أهداف البحث: سعت هذه الدراسه ألي تحديد الأرتباط والفرق، إن وجد، بين الجانب المماثل وبين الجانبين المتقابلين أثناء تمرين التوازن والتحمل الثابت.

طرق البحث: شارك ١١٢ طالب جامعي يتمتع بصحه جيده (٥٥ إناث، ٥٧ ذكور) في هذه الدراسه. أجري كل مشارك تمرين Quadruped bird dog ( رفع ذراع واحده والساق في الجانب المقابل) والحفاظ علي التوازن في حاله ثابته. كما أجري كل مشارك تمرين ال side bridge من وضع الأستلقاء علي الجانب ورفع الجذع والوركين والحفاظ علي التوازن لأطول فتره ممكنه.

النتائج: أظهر أختبار Wilcoxon فرق ذو دلاله أحصائيه لتمرين Quadruped bird dog وليس لتمرين Side bridge. كما أظهرت الدراسه معامل أرتباط قوي مقداره 0.85 و 0.75 لتمرين Quadruped bird dog وتمرين Side bridge علي التوالي.

الأستنتاجات: قد تكون هذه النتائج مفيده لأخصائي التأهيل للتقييم الموضوعي لقدرات التوازن والتحمل الثابت ومتابعة التقدم في العلاج. كما أنه يساعد في تحديد التمرين المناسب والمتدرج لثبات الجذع.

Keywords: Biomechanics; Core stability; Postural balance; Static endurance; Young adult.