The term topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) refers to a condition widely discussed on social media, but rarely mentioned in the medical literature. It typically involves a patient with chronic eczema who abruptly discontinues topical corticosteroids (TCS) believing they are ineffective and damaging. Symptoms include an acute eruption, worse than the previous eczema, of painful erythema followed by oozing, crusting, desquamation and sometimes prolonged systemic weakness. Patients self-diagnose and often avoid healthcare professionals who dismiss the diagnosis and persist in offering TCS, leaving them unsupported. We analysed 121 responses to a survey of UK dermatologists' attitudes to TSW. Views on aetiology included relapsed eczema, erythroderma and a social construct. A total of 88.4% (107/121) agreed that TSW needs better understanding and more research. Respondents earlier in their careers are more cautious than senior respondents about prescribing TCS long term because of TSW, suggesting a trend that might lead to better understanding, communication and management.
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