Glioblastoma epigenomics discloses a complex biology and potential therapeutic targets

Ideggyogy Sz. 2024 Jan 30;77(1-2):27-37. doi: 10.18071/isz.77.0027.


Background and purpose: <p>Glioblastoma (GBM), a highly aggressive form of brain tumors, has been extensively studied using OMICS methods, and the most characteristic molecular determinants have been incorporated into the histopathological diagnosis. Research data, nevertheless, only partially have been adopted in clinical practice. Here we aimed to present results of our epige&shy;no&shy;mic GBM profiling to better understand early and late determinants of these tumors, and to share main elements of our findings with practicing professionals.</p>.

Methods: <p>GBM specimens were surgically obtained after first diagnosis (GBM1) and at recurrence (GBM2). DNA was extracted from 24 sequential pairs of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor tissues. The Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing kit was used for library preparation. Pooled libraries were sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 550 instrument. Methylation controls (MC) were obtained from a publicly available database. Bioinformatic analyses were performed to identify differentially methylated pathways and their elements in cohorts of MC, GBM1 and GBM2.</p>.

Results: <p>Several differentially methylated pathways involved in basic intracellular and brain tissue developmental processes were identified in the GBM1 vs. MC and GBM2 vs. MC comparisons. Among differentially me&shy;thylated pathways, those involved in immune regulation, neurotransmitter (particularly dopaminergic, noradrenergic and glutaminergic) responses and regulation of stem cell differentiation and proliferation stood out in the GBM2 vs. GBM1 comparisons.</p>.

Conclusion: <p>Our study revealed biological complexity of early and late gliomagenesis encompassing mechanisms from basic intracellular through distorted neurodevelopmental processes to more specific immune and highjacked neurotransmitter pathways in the tumor microenvironment. These findings may offer considerations for therapeutic approaches.</p>.

Background and purpose: <p>Az agydaganat legs&uacute;lyosabb típus&aacute;t, a glioblastom&aacute;t (GBM) m&eacute;lyrehat&oacute;an tanulm&aacute;nyozt&aacute;k OMICS-m&oacute;dszerekkel az elm&uacute;lt &eacute;vekben, &eacute;s legjellegzetesebb molekul&aacute;ris meghat&aacute;roz&oacute;i a k&oacute;rsz&ouml;vettani diagn&oacute;&shy;zis r&eacute;sz&eacute;v&eacute; v&aacute;ltak. A kutat&aacute;si ismeretek azonban csak r&eacute;szben ker&uuml;ltek &aacute;t a klinikai gyakorlatba. Jelen tanulm&aacute;nyunk c&eacute;lja, hogy epigenomikai elemz&eacute;seink eredm&eacute;nyei alapj&aacute;n bemutassuk a GBM korai &eacute;s k&eacute;sői molekul&aacute;ris meghat&aacute;roz&oacute;it a gyakorl&oacute; szakemberek sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra.</p>.

Methods: <p>A GBM-mint&aacute;kat az első diag&shy;n&oacute;zis ut&aacute;n (GBM1) &eacute;s ki&uacute;jul&aacute;skor (GBM2) nyert&uuml;k seb&eacute;szeti &uacute;ton. A DNS-t 24 p&aacute;r for&shy;&shy;malinnal fix&aacute;lt, paraffinba &aacute;gyazott da&shy;ga&shy;nat&shy;sz&ouml;vetből vontuk ki. A k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rk&eacute;szí&shy;t&eacute;s a Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequen&shy;cing kit alkalmaz&aacute;s&aacute;val t&ouml;rt&eacute;nt. A k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;ra&shy;kat egy Illumina NextSeq 550 k&eacute;sz&uuml;l&eacute;ken szek&shy;ven&aacute;ltuk. A metil&aacute;ci&oacute;s kontrollokat (MC)&nbsp;egy nyilv&aacute;nosan el&eacute;rhető adatb&aacute;zisb&oacute;l nyer&shy;t&uuml;k. Bioinformatikai elemz&eacute;seink sor&aacute;n azo&shy;nosítottuk a differenci&aacute;lisan metil&aacute;lt &uacute;tvo&shy;nalakat &eacute;s azok elemeit az MC-, GBM1- &eacute;s GBM2-csoportokban.</p>.

Results: <p>Sz&aacute;mos differenci&aacute;ltan metil&aacute;lt &uacute;tvonalat tal&aacute;ltunk a GBM1 vs. MC &eacute;s a GBM2 vs. MC &ouml;sszehasonlít&aacute;sok sor&aacute;n, amelyek intracellul&aacute;ris biol&oacute;giai &eacute;s agysz&ouml;vet-fejlőd&eacute;si folyamatokban vesznek r&eacute;szt. Ezzel szemben, a GBM2 vs. GBM1 differenci&aacute;ltan metil&aacute;lt &uacute;tvonalai k&ouml;z&uuml;l az immunszab&aacute;lyoz&aacute;sban, a neurotranszmitter- (k&uuml;l&ouml;n&ouml;sen a dopaminerg, noradrenerg &eacute;s glutaminerg) v&aacute;laszokban, valamint az őssejt-differenci&aacute;l&oacute;d&aacute;s &eacute;s -prolifer&aacute;ci&oacute; szab&aacute;lyoz&aacute;s&aacute;ban r&eacute;szt vevő &uacute;tvonalak emelhetők ki.</p>.

Conclusion: <p>Elemz&eacute;s&uuml;nk a korai &eacute;s k&eacute;sői gliomagenezis biol&oacute;giai komplexit&aacute;s&aacute;t t&aacute;rta fel, ami az alapvető biol&oacute;giai elemektől az eltorzult idegfejlőd&eacute;si folyamatokon &aacute;t a tumor-mikrok&ouml;rnyezet specifikusabb immun- &eacute;s neurotranszmitter-folyamat&aacute;ig terjed. Ezek az eredm&eacute;nyek c&eacute;lpontokat jel&ouml;lnek meg &uacute;j ter&aacute;pi&aacute;s megk&ouml;zelít&eacute;sek sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra.</p>.

Keywords: DNA CpG methylation; glioblastoma; pathways of gliomagenesis; therapeutic targets.

MeSH terms

  • Brain / pathology
  • Brain Neoplasms* / pathology
  • DNA Methylation
  • Epigenomics
  • Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic
  • Glioblastoma* / pathology
  • Humans
  • Neurotransmitter Agents
  • Tumor Microenvironment


  • Neurotransmitter Agents