Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are a group of conditions characterized by impairments of brain processes that impact cognition, communication, motor abilities, and/or behavior during development. These conditions typically have significant effects across the life span and impact personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning. The US Centers for Disease Control and report that 1 in 6 children has a developmental disability, making it highly likely for child and adolescent psychiatrists to encounter children with NDDs in daily practice.1 While the etiologies of NDDs are broad, genetic syndromes are a common cause of NDDs. The diagnostic yield of thorough genetic testing for NDDs as a group is about 40% based on meta-analysis, including 30% to 50% yield in patients with global developmental delay (GDD) or intellectual disability (ID) and 15% to 20% yield in patients with in autism spectrum disorder.1-3 The findings are extremely heterogeneous, including chromosomal copy number variants (CNVs) and more than 2,000 known monogenic disorders associated with NDDs.3 Diagnostic yields will increase over time with advances in technology and disease gene discovery.3.
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