Purpose: The awkward and repetitive movements lead to tissue straining, potentially leading to painful musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). MSDs in dentists result in work inefficiency and a reduction in work hours. A survey was conducted to assess the prevalence of MSDs amongst the dental population of interest.
Methods: Customized individual detail questionnaires, Standard Nordic Musculoskeletal questionnaires, and Level of Pain estimation using the Likert Scale were used to deduce the various responsible risk factors for the occurrence of MSDs in dentists. Inferential statistical analysis was done to identify the prevalence and severity of the MSDs. The Chi-Square test (95 % confidence interval) was used to identify and compare the association of risk factors involved in MSDs with the occurrence of the Effect of MSDs, the presence of MSDs, and the severity of the MSDs.
Results: The results of the study deduced that the dentists followed the sedentary work practices. The dentists experienced maximum discomfort in the neck region, which was accompanied by the discomfort experienced in the lower back, hands and wrists, making the upper extremity being more susceptible to the MSDs. Gender risk factors the, the prevalence of MSDs in the dentist's upper back, and the severity of pain in the upper back region showed a significant association level.
Conclusion: The wrist posture, the prevalence of MSDs and the severity of pain in the dentists' neck, shoulder and upper back showed a significant association level.
Keywords: Dentists; Discomfort level; Ergonomics; Liker scale; Musculoskeletal disorders; Nordic questionnaire; Upper extremity.
© 2023 The Authors.