Aim: To determine the knowledge of pressure injury among Indian nurses using PZ-PUKT questionnaire and to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention on knowledge scores.
Materials and methods: A Quasi-experimental study design was used to test the Pressure injury knowledge of 273 nurses in a tertiary care teaching hospital. The Pieper Zulkowski Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test questionnaire was given as a pre-test prior to education session and re-administered after the activity was completed.
Results: The mean score of the pre-test was 48.58 ± 6.75 (C·I 47.8-49.4) and post-test 54.14 ± 7.69 (C·I 53.3-55.1), which showed a statistically significant improvement. In the pre-test, nurses had highest score in the prevention subset while wound subset had the greatest improvement in the post-test. Female participants had a better understanding about Pressure injuries when compared to males. Also, the Assistant Nursing Superintendents and ward in Charge nurses had better knowledge as compared with other nurses.
Conclusions: The knowledge of pressure injury among nurses is limited. Knowledge deficits should be identified and targeted educational interventions should be administered to all the nurses irrespective of their educational level and work experience. Wound certification courses should be instituted so that it gives the nurses a better opportunity to learn about pressure injuries at a certified level. All nurses should undergo periodic training in this ever-evolving field so as to provide the best care to their patients.
Keywords: Education; Pieper-Zulkowski pressure ulcer knowledge test; Pressure injury; Pressure injury knowledge; Pressure ulcer.
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