Endosperm in angiosperms and placenta in eutherians are convergent innovations for efficient embryonic nutrient transfer. Despite advantages, this reproductive strategy incurs metabolic costs that maternal parents disproportionately shoulder, leading to potential inter-parental conflict over optimal offspring investment. Genomic imprinting-parent-of-origin-biased gene expression-is fundamental for endosperm and placenta development and has convergently evolved in angiosperms and mammals, in part, to resolve parental conflict. Here, we review the mechanisms of genomic imprinting in these taxa. Despite differences in the timing and spatial extent of imprinting, these taxa exhibit remarkable convergence in the molecular machinery and genes governing imprinting. We then assess the role of parental conflict in shaping evolution within angiosperms and eutherians using four criteria: 1) Do differences in the extent of sibling relatedness cause differences in the inferred strength of parental conflict? 2) Do reciprocal crosses between taxa with different inferred histories of parental conflict exhibit parent-of-origin growth effects? 3) Are these parent-of-origin growth effects caused by dosage-sensitive mechanisms and do these loci exhibit signals of positive selection? 4) Can normal development be restored by genomic perturbations that restore stoichiometric balance in the endosperm/placenta? Although we find evidence for all criteria in angiosperms and eutherians, suggesting that parental conflict may help shape their evolution, many questions remain. Additionally, myriad differences between the two taxa suggest that their respective biologies may shape how/when/where/to what extent parental conflict manifests. Lastly, we discuss outstanding questions, highlighting the power of comparative work in quantifying the role of parental conflict in evolution.
Keywords: endosperm; genomic imprinting; hybrid inviability; kinship theory; placenta.
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