Objective: To explore the feasibility to restore pronunciation function by repairing partial suprahyoid epiglottis-preserved circumferential defect in near total laryngectomy with anterior medial thigh flap in advanced laryngeal cancer.
Methods: A retrospective study of 5 male patients with advanced laryngeal cancer between August 2019 and October 2022, aged 56-73 years, with an average age of 65 years were reviewed. The disease duration ranged from 3 to 24 months, with an average of 8 months. Tumor classification by location: 2 cases of glottic type, 2 cases of supraglottic type, and 1 case of subglottic type; TNM staging: 3 cases of T 4N 0M 0 stage, 1 case of T 4N 1M 0 stage, and 1 case of T 4N 2M 0 stage; American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging (2017): stage Ⅳ. Near total laryngectomy with partial suprahyoid epiglottis-preserved and selective bilateral neck dissection were performed before the anterior medial thigh flap was used to repair the circumferential defects. The flap size ranged from 6 cm×5 cm to 8 cm×6 cm. Four patients underwent adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy after operation, while 1 patient did not receive any other adjuvant treatment such as radiochemotherapy.
Results: The flaps of all 5 patients survived without obvious neck infection. One patient developed a slight pharyngeal fistula after oral feeding at 1 month after operation, which healed after another week of gastric feeding. Primary healing also achieved in the thigh donor area. One patient had bilateral cervical lymph node metastasis, and 1 patient had lymph node metastasis on one side. The remaining 3 patients had no cervical nodes metastasis on both sides. All 5 patients were followed up 12-36 months, with an average of 27.6 months. Four patients had clear, audible, and hoarse voice while 1 patient (case 3) had pronunciation similar to whispering. Laryngoscopy showed that the reconstructed laryngeal inlet was fissure-shape and the reconstructed laryngo-trachea canal below the laryngeal inlet was gradually enlarged. At 1 month after operation, the gastric tube was withdrawn and the food was taken orally. There was no obvious aspiration pneumonia. The tracheostomy tube could be blocked in 4 patients for from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Among them, 3 patients were able to make a noticeable pronunciation even when the tube was not blocked, and they were able to engage in barrier-free language communication; the tracheostomy tube could not be blocked in 1 patient who had a pronunciation similar to whispering. Preliminary voice analysis showed that the patients have a relaxed and natural pronunciation, without obvious breath-holding or air-swallowing movement, compared to patients with esophageal pronunciation. Decannulation did not achieved until the last follow-up in all 5 patients.
Conclusion: The anterior medial thigh flap can repair circumferential defects after near total laryngectomy in advanced laryngeal cancer patients and achieve satisfactory pronunciation, thus can serve as an effective pronunciation rehabilitation method. The preserved part of epiglottis may play a role to prevent postoperative aspiration.
目的: 探讨股前内侧皮瓣修复晚期喉癌患者保留舌骨上部分会厌的近全喉切除后环周缺损,重建发音功能的可行性。.
方法: 回顾分析2019年8月—2022年10月5例晚期喉癌男性患者临床资料,年龄56~73岁,平均65岁。病程3~24个月,平均8个月。肿瘤按部位分型:声门型2例、声门上型2例、声门下型1例;TNM分期:T 4N 0M 0期3例、T 4N 1M 0期1例、T 4N 2M 0期1例;美国癌症联合会(AJCC)分期(2017)均为Ⅳ期。行保留舌骨上部分会厌的近全喉切除+双侧择区颈部淋巴结清扫术,以股前内侧皮瓣修复重建近全喉切除术后环周缺损,皮瓣切取范围6 cm×5 cm~8 cm×6 cm。术后4例患者补充放化疗,1例未补充放化疗等其他治疗。.
结果: 术后所有皮瓣均成活,无明显颈部感染。1例患者术后1个月经口进食发生轻微咽瘘,再次经胃管进食1周后咽瘘愈合。大腿供区创面Ⅰ期愈合。1例患者双侧颈部淋巴结转移,1例一侧颈部淋巴结转移;余3例双侧颈部淋巴结无转移。5例患者均获随访,随访时间12~36个月,平均27.6个月。4例患者发音清晰可闻、声音嘶哑,1例(例3)发音类似耳语。纤维喉镜检查示重建的喉入口呈裂隙状,喉入口以下重建的喉气管腔逐渐增大。术后1个月拔除胃管经口进食,无明显吸入性肺炎发生。4例患者可以间断堵管,堵管时间30 s~3 min,其中3例不堵管时也能发出明显声音,患者可与人进行无障碍语言交流;1例发音类似耳语患者不能堵管。初步嗓音分析显示,患者发音轻松自然,无明显憋气或吞气动作。随访期间患者均未拔管。.
结论: 股前内侧皮瓣修复晚期喉癌患者近全喉切除术后环周缺损可取得满意的发音效果,能够作为一种有效的发音重建方法;保留的部分会厌可能对防止术后误吸起到一定作用。.
Keywords: Advanced laryngeal cancer; anterior medial thigh flap; circumferential defect; near total laryngectomy; pronunciation function; repair.