The E. coli dnaK (groPC756) gene product is essential for bacteriophage lambda DNA replication. Bacterial DNA segments carrying this gene have been cloned onto a bacteriophage lambda vector. The product of the dnaK gene has been identified on SDS polyacrylamide gels after infection of UV-irradiated E. coli cells. The dnaK gene codes for a polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 93,000-Mr. Transducing phages carrying amber mutations in the dnaK gene fail to induce the synthesis of the 93,000-Mr polypeptide chain upon infection of sup+ bacteria, but do so upon infection of supF bacteria. E coli carrying the dnaK756 mutation are, in addition, temperature sensitive for growth at 43 degrees C. It is shown that the dnaK756 mutation results in an overproduction of the dnaK gene product at that temperature.