Prevalence of Ear Disease and Associated Hearing Loss Among Government Rural Primary School Students in Patiala, Punjab: A Cross Sectional Survey

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2024 Feb;76(1):374-379. doi: 10.1007/s12070-023-04165-7. Epub 2023 Sep 15.


Ear disease in children are a major public health problem in developing countries and if left untreated, it may result in various social and psychological problems for affected children. Among all ear diseases, ear infections are a common but treatable cause of morbidity in children. Long term consequences of persistent severe ear infection can result in speech development disorders, poor academic and educational development and overall lower quality of life. Most of ear diseases leading to hearing loss are preventable if diagnosed and treated early. A cross sectional study was conducted in Government Rural Primary School students, 2160 students in Patiala district of Punjab state in India with aim to study the prevalence of ear disease and associated hearing loss in students and their relationship with socioeconomic status. The data was collected, compiled and analysed statistically.