Objective: To evaluate the role of depression in the development of TMD groups.
Methods: This systematic review with meta-analysis compared the prevalence and scores of depression between TMD groups and controls.
Results: The results showed that depression was a significant risk factor in the development of RDC/TMD axis I muscle disorders (group I) and arthralgia/osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis (group III), and non-significant for disc displacements (group II). Severe depression had almost four times the risk of developing TMD as compared to moderate depression.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that addressing psychological factors in general, and depression in particular, in the managemenof TMD is crucial, especially in those TMD groups with higher pain levels (I and III), and the TMD pain reduction is crucial in reducing depression levels.
Keywords: Temporomandibular disorders; depression; meta-analysis; systematic review.