This study investigated the nausea-like behavior induced by road transportation in goats, and the effects of an anti-motion sickness (MS) medication on this behavior. In the first experiment, 11 adult Shiba goats were road transported twice with either a saline (control) or a commercial anti-MS medication (Travelmin) injection at the first or second transportation. Almost all goats showed nausea-like behavior, which was defined as pointing their heads downward, closing their eyes, and staying relatively still. These goats did not respond when they were touched during blood collection. The anti-MS medication significantly reduced the total time spent in nausea-like behavior (P < 0.05) and tended to increase the frequency of escape attempts during blood collection (P < 0.1). In a second experiment, the effects of the anti-MS medication were examined in goats held under normal housing. The anti-MS medication increased the time spent feeding (P < 0.01) and reduced the time spent in rumination (P < 0.05) but did not change the frequency of lying down nor plasma cortisol concentrations. Our results indicate that the nausea-like behavior in transported goats might be induced, at least in part, by regulatory mechanisms similar to the MS.
Keywords: behavior; goats; motion sickness; road transportation; stress.
© 2024 Japanese Society of Animal Science.