As a rapid, accurate and efficient analytical technique, gas chromatography is widely used in the detection of volatile organic compounds and inorganic small molecule toxins, and it is the main analytical method in the national testing standards for occupational health. The existing effective national standards of gas chromatography for the detection of some substances have low column efficiency, high toxicity of reagents, poor correlation of the standard curve and low desorption efficiency and other problems, some of which can be solved through method improvement. At the same time, with the use of new materials and new processes, new types of toxic substances are emerging, and there are still many occupational disease hazards of limited value without supporting detection methods, gas chromatography can be applied to the detection of some toxic substances to better complement the vacancy of China's occupational health detection methods. This paper analyzes the current situation of the application of gas chromatography in occupational health testing standards, discusses the improvement of some of these methods, and helps to promote the application and development of gas chromatography in occupational health testing.
Keywords: Chromatography, gas; National standard detection method; New toxicants; Occupational health; Volatile organic compounds; Workplace.