The use of robotic nursing care equipment is an important option for solving the shortage of nursing care personnel, but the effects of its introduction have not been fully quantified. Hence, we aimed to verify that face-to-face care is still provided by caregivers in transfer situations when using robotic nursing care equipment. This study was conducted at a nursing home where the bed-release assist robot "Resyone Plus" is installed on a long-term basis. Caregiver gaze was analyzed quantitatively for one user of the equipment during transfer situations, and communication time, which involved looking at the face of the care recipient, as well as face-to-face vocalization, was measured. The caregiver spent 7.9 times longer looking at the face of and talking to the care recipient when using Resyone than when performing a manual transfer. In addition, the recipient was observed to smile during Resyone separation, which takes about 30 s. The results indicate a possible improvement in the QOL of care recipients through the use of robotic nursing care equipment as a personal care intervention. The ongoing development of robot technology is thus expected to continue to reduce the burden of caregiving as well as to improve the QOL of care recipients.
Keywords: gaze analysis; gerontechnology; nursing homes; quality of care.