Ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT) usually utilizes conventional bulk piezoelectric transducers as transceivers. However, the complicated preparation and assembly process of bulk piezoelectric ceramics limits the development of NDT probes toward miniaturization and high frequency. In this paper, a 4.4 mm × 4.4 mm aluminum nitride (AlN) piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer (PMUT) array is designed, fabricated, characterized, and packaged for ultrasonic pulse-echo NDT of solids for the first time. The PMUT array is prepared based on the cavity silicon-on-insulator (CSOI) process and packaged using polyurethane (PU) material with acoustic properties similar to water. The fabricated PMUT array resonates at 2.183 MHz in air and at around 1.25 MHz after PU encapsulation. The bandwidth of the packaged PMUT receiver (244 kHz) is wider than that of a bulk piezoelectric transducer (179 kHz), which is good for axis resolution improvement. In this work, a hybrid ultrasonic NDT probe is designed using two packaged PMUT receivers and one 1.25 MHz bulk transmitter. The bulk transmitter radiates an ultrasonic wave into the sample, and the defect echo is received by two PMUT receivers. The 2D position of the defect could be figured out by time-of-flight (TOF) difference, and a 30 mm × 65 mm detection area is acquired. This work demonstrates the feasibility of applying AlN PMUTs to ultrasonic NDT of solids and paves the way toward a miniaturized NDT probe using AlN PMUT technology.
Keywords: bandwidth; piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducers; time of flight; ultrasonic nondestructive testing.