An elderly woman presented with pancytopenia resulting from acute monoblastic leukemia (AMoL) type M5a. At the time of diagnosis, the marrow metaphase studies revealed a pseudodiploid idiogram: 46,XX,t(2;11)(q37;q23),(t(7;9;10)(q22;q22;p13). At relapse, 7 months later, a clonal derivative of the initial pseudodiploid pattern was identified. Though alterations of chromosome regions 7q22 and 9q22 are frequently seen in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), 11q structural anomalies are even more specific for this group of leukemias, and the involvement of band 11q23 is particularly striking in AMoL. Various chromosomes may take part in translocations with chromosome #11, but the participation of chromosome #2 as in this case is apparently rare.