Using a stereo camera system, a new diagnostic for the safety factor of the core plasma based on the pellet ablation trail is applied on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). In EAST discharge No. 128 874, a shattered pellet injection system is applied to inject a shattered neon pellet into the EAST. Since the strong magnetic field in tokamaks binds the ablated pellet material, the orientation of the pellet ablation trail is the same as the local magnetic field direction. Thus, from the three-dimensional reconstruction result of the pellet ablation trail, the local safety factor q can be obtained. The motional Stark effect (MSE) diagnostic is applied to determine the safety factor q profile in this shot. The determined safety factor q results for this new diagnostic are in quantitative agreement with those from the MSE diagnostic with the mean relative difference of only 6.8%, confirming the effectiveness of this new diagnostic of the safety factor.
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