This chapter presents methods for requirements engineering, verification, security, safety, and robustness with a special focus on AIoT systems. It covers an architectural framework dealing with requirements engineering aspects of distributed AIoT systems, covering several clusters of concern dealing with the context description of the system, learning environment of the deep-learning components, communication concerns, and a set of quality concerns, such as ethical aspects, safety, power, security, and privacy aspects. Each cluster contains a set of architectural views sorted into different levels of abstraction. In addition, it introduces WebAssembly as an interoperable environment that would run seamlessly across hardware devices and software stacks while achieving good performance and a high level of security as a critical requirement when processing data off-premises. To address security aspects in AIoT systems, remote attestation and certification mechanisms are introduced to provide a TOCTOU (time-of-check to time-of-use) secure way of ensuring the system's integrity.
© Rute C. Sofia, John Soldatos, 2024. This book is published open access.